Why a Creative Block Isn’t as Bad As You Think

Writers, when was the last time you had a creative block? For me, it was just recently. I haven’t had a legitimate creative block in so long. I’d sit in front of my laptop and not know what to do. I’d open up my notes app and not know what to type. You get the point. I felt like I lost my spark. It wasn’t like other times in the past where I just didn’t want to write. I sat there many times and tried. I even put out pointless posts which are cool but not something I like to do often. I had to stop and tell myself to just relax and get back to it when I’m ready. I never like to put out content without substance but I’m also a lot less hard on myself these days. With that being said, a creative block doesn’t have to be a bad thing. I’ve gotten some good out of it and that’s what I’d like to share with you today! So keep reading to find out why a creative block isn’t as bad as you think.

Why a Creative Block Isn't as Bad As You Think


Blogging can take up a lot of your time especially the planning stage. From the whole concept to the title. Then you have to write it (which can take a while), then edit and proofread it a million times. It doesn’t stop there, you also have to add pictures and possibly create a thumbnail. All that takes time so imagine all the downtime you’d have while taking a break.

During this time I felt like I was able to bring myself back. I started baking again which I haven’t done since the holidays. I did some reorganizing around my apartment. The boys and I watched tv together. My boyfriend and I even got into a new show together (I’ll dish in a future post)! But don’t think I wasn’t thinking about blogging at all. I was still able to jot down any ideas I came up with and started working on some future posts.

Fresh perspective

Having idea after idea pop up in your head is a great feeling. With that downtime, I was able to get a fresh perspective on things. I got to try out new products and even new flavors. I even felt a different way about some things I’ve already tried. The best thing you can do with a new perspective is put it into words. Use all that you’ve accumulated over the break and create awesome content. Don’t be afraid to get inspiration from elsewhere but also be aware of what’s around you and start with that.

You come back feeling stronger than before

Everyone knows how much better the comeback is. There’s such a big feeling of accomplishment when you know you’ve pulled yourself out of a tough spot. For me, it’s also a boost of self-confidence. I know that if I did it before I can do it 10 times better again. That’s the beauty of chances. You get to try again and give it your best shot. Small tingz can also be small wins.

Now you see why having a creative block isn’t so bad. You can turn an annoying situation into a good thing. This whole year hasn’t been easy and I’m bound to have some bad days but it’s up to me to try and make the best out of whatever. I’ve enjoyed my downtown, got a fresh outlook on some things, and boosted my confidence.

Have you recently had writer’s block or any creative block? What did you do to get out of it? How are you feeling now? Make sure to let me know in the comments below!

PS. You guys… I’m so over WP and their wonky editors. Ive been able to use the classic editor this whole time and now its unavailable. So please forgive me if this post looks a bit off. I have no idea how to work this. I don’t like it at all. *sigh* Does anyone know of any petitions to get the classic edit back? Jk but not really lol.

As always, thanks so much for reading! Questions, comments, and feedback are always welcome. If you enjoyed this post, please comment, like and share! Make sure to check out my Instagram; @tianiangela_and my latest video on YouTube💋

14 thoughts on “Why a Creative Block Isn’t as Bad As You Think

  1. You can get the classic editor back!! I had the same issue and someone was lovely enough to show me how to get it back: https://lifesfinewhine.ca/2021/03/31/its-back/

    I have suffered from writers block a couple of times- it’s usually when I am stressed out or have a lot going on in life- and I totally agree with what you said about it not necessarily being a bad thing. I think sometimes your brain needs a bit of time off too and for me I always feel a lot better when I get over the writers block. I feel like I have more ideas and I feel refreshed.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Whenever I get writer’s block, I just make myself write the crappiest piece I can think of. Usually, my inner editor appears to try and make things better, but if he doesn’t, then I publish whatever crappy piece I wrote and feel embarrassed by it. That’ll teach me to have writer’s block.

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  3. I think I’ve got writers block now? Haha have for a little while but want to keep at it… just trying to get inspiration from where I can make use of my resources. Glad I’m not alone! Thanks for writing this 😌

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