Try Doing This To Help Prevent An Anxiety Attack

Try Doing This To Help Prevent An Anxiety Attack

Introducing this mindful routine can make a huge difference in your day, especially when anxiety slowly creeps in. Amid the struggles of life, taking a moment to ground yourself is priceless. Follow me, as we explore a simple yet powerful seven-step guide to grounding yourself in a moment of distress. These steps are not just [...]

Why It’s Important to Respect Social Boundaries | Saying No Is Perfectly Okay

Why It’s Important to Respect Social Boundaries | Saying No Is Perfectly Okay

@peddytommy on Instagram Have you ever wondered why your dearest friend might be avoiding you? Or have you ever been in a situation where you felt guilted into hanging out with someone or doing something? I know I have, and I want to talk about it. Now, if you can't already tell where I’m going [...]

If You’re Struggling Mentally, Here Is a Resource That May Help

If You’re Struggling Mentally, Here Is a Resource That May Help

Having a not-so-pleasant day? One of those days where your mind is running a million miles a minute and the tears won't stop rolling down your cheek. I’ve been there too many times to count. I've recently learned about this new Crisis Text Line that I just had to share with everyone. We live in [...]

The Unexplained

The Unexplained

3:54 pm August 23, 2022 These days it seems as if almost nothing has a purpose. I have no plan, or even if I do, I don’t follow through with it. There’s been ups and a lot of downs. But believe me, if you’ve seen the smile on my face, you’d have no idea. I’m [...]