What I Look Forward to This Fall

I know I can’t be the only one thinking about Fall. It’s literally my favorite season. I know we still have some time left but I just can’t get Fall out of my mind! It’s the start of the holiday seasons which I am extra excited for this year. I was super excited when I found out Isaiah was going to be an October baby! I can’t wait to share with you what I’m most excited about!

Sweater Weather

The song and the actual weather. The older I get the more summer is my least favorite season. I literally cannot take the heat. No matter how many clothes come off it is still WAY too hot for me! This is why I like to stay indoors in the blasting air conditioner. I love to be cold. I cannot wait to start wearing leggings and a sweater.

If you haven’t listened to the song Sweater Weather by The Neighbourhood then you should definitely check it out by clicking here

Decorating my home

I always told myself I would be THAT person that decorates the heck out of their living space. I refuse to go back on my word. I’m so excited to add little fall touches around my apartment. I’m also excited to smell fall candles! Do you have a favorite fall scent?


A typical fall must-have is anything pumpkin. Am I right? I love everything pumpkin. Pumpkin drinks, pumpkin pies, pumpkin donuts, pumpkin scents, anything at all. I’ll probably love it. This year I plan on making a few pumpkin treats from scratch.

When I was in the psych ward during the holiday seasons, they had us make mini pumpkin pies. I thought it was so fun and a way for us to still keep that holiday spirit despite where we were for the time being.


Family cuddle sessions

We can do this at any time and we do but there’s nothing like a fall or winter cuddle session. It’ll be even more special since it will be our first fall in our new apartment together!

Pumpkin and apple picking

This year I’d love to go apple picking and get fresh apples for the fam! Personally, I don’t eat them but that’s because I’m allergic. However, my boys love them! Pumpkin patches are always fun because you get to pick out pumpkins and go on a hayride. I’m sure Isaiah would love that! This also reminds me of Fright Fest. One of my favorite Halloween activities!

Isaiah’s 1st birthday

I cannot believe my baby will be 1 in basically 2 months! Time really does fly. I feel like he was just a little newborn yesterday. Now he’s eating my food, crawling all over, and practically having baby conversations with us. Each day I see him grow and learn new things. I absolutely love it.

This was taken last Fall

What are some things you look forward to this Fall? Or not looking forward? Whats’s your favorite season? Let me know!

As always, thanks so much for reading! Questions, comments, and feedback are always welcome. If you enjoyed this post, please comment, like and share! Make sure to check out my Instagram; @tianiangela_ and my latest video on Youtube💋



14 thoughts on “What I Look Forward to This Fall

  1. I’m also looking forward to fall , one, the heat dies down , and then pretty much everything on your list. .I love pumpkin spice and sweaters . Also Isaiah’s birthday sounds exciting ! Take tons of pics !

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I love fall so much and I’m so looking forward to it!! The summer heat is so getting to me too and I look forward to leggings, sweaters and hoodies. And I can’t believe your son will be one already!! Time really flies!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Happy Birthday to Isaiah in advance and Happy Summer to ya!!! I’m looking forward to the harmattan later this year when it’s Christmas and the weather is super chill. I want the coolness without the lip blisters tho.

    Liked by 1 person

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